Markdown Reference

Evidence supports most markdown syntax. Below are some of the most common markdown features. For more details, check out Markdown Guide.

Text Paragraphs

This is a paragraph. It can be as long as you want.

Add line breaks by leaving a blank line between paragraphs.

Text Styles

**Bold** text is wrapped in double asterisks
_Italic_ text is wrapped in single asterisks
~~Strikethrough~~ text is wrapped in double tildes
`Inline code` is wrapped in backticks


- This is a unordered list
- It uses dashes
- To indicate items

1. This is an ordered list
1. It uses numbers to indicate order
1. The numbers you type don't matter, they will be automatically numbered


# H1 Header

## H2 Header

### H3 Header

#### H4 Header

##### H5 Header

###### H6 Header
[External link](

[Internal link](another/page/)


![An online image](

![An image stored in the project's static folder](/my-image.png)

Storing Images and Static Files

Evidence looks for images in the /static folder in the root of your project. Create it if it doesn't exist.

Code Fences

In Evidence, most code fences execute SQL queries and display the results in a table.

This code fence will execute a SQL query and display the results:

```sql orders
FROM needful_things.orders
WHERE category = 'Sinister Toys'

The exception is if you use one of the reserved language names, which will render the code in a code block.

names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]

for name in names:
    print("Hello, " + name)

names <- c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")

for (name in names) {
    print(paste("Hello, ", name))


| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Row 1    | Row 1    | Row 1    |
| Row 2    | Row 2    | Row 2    |

To display data in a table, use a Data Table instead.


> This is a blockquote
> It can span multiple lines
> > And can be nested

This is a blockquote

It can span multiple lines

And can be nested

Horizontal Rule

Below is a horizontal rule


Below is a horizontal rule


To attach metadata (e.g. a title) to your page, you can use Frontmatter. Note that frontmatter must appear as the first thing in your page; no content can come before it, or it won't be loaded properly.

Frontmatter is formatted like this:

title: Evidence Docs

You can put whatever data you would like here, and it uses a yaml syntax, but some properties are special:

Changes the name of the tab, the title displayed in the sidebar, adds a header to your page, and changes the breadcrumb for the page.
If true, the title will not show as a header on the page
Is used for search engines
Changes how your link shows up when shared on things like Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, etc
Changes the title that appears in the embed; if this is not specified, but `title` is, then `title` is used (and vice versa)
Changes the body of the embed
Will appear in the embed if specified, but it is not required.
References SQL queries stored in the /queries directory.
Changes the visibility of the sidebar. 'show' results in a responsive sidebar, 'hide' results in a sidebar accessible via hamburger button and 'never' hides both - the sidebar and the hamburger button.
Changes the position of the page in the sidebar. When used in pages, changes the position of their parent in the sidebar.
positive integer

Specify a query that returns a column named breadcrumb. The query can use ${params.my_param} to reference the URL parameters for the page.

E.g. breadcrumb: "select customer_name as breadcrumb from customers_table where customer_id = ${params.customer_id}"

Anything outside of these values won't do anything on their own, but they will be accessible as variables on the page.



{@partial ""}

And some content specific to this page.


# This is my first partial

This is some content in the partial.

Evidence supports re-using chunks of Evidence markdown using Partials.

Partials are placed in the ./partials folder, and can be referenced in your project with {@partial "path/to/"} (do not include the /partial folder in the path).